Our tree is my favorite tree we've had so far! I love how the Christmas tree is modern, but still colorful & not way out there. I decided to only use Christmas ball ornaments & white lights. I'm very happy with the way it turned out. I also decided to go with simple wrapped presents with satin ribbon. Everybody keeps asking me if the presents underneath the Christmas tree are real! haha I guess that's a good thing? :D Yes, they are real!
I really think our tree represents my husband and I. We are both a young couple, fun, {and a little me more than him, likes things colorful & a bit on the nontraditional side!}
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I will try to remember to get better pictures of the back wall for you later. I strung snowflake ornaments with fishing line. I love the way the snowflakes look against our dark gray walls & the map.
I love the snowball garland gives it a whimsical fun touch. I bought it at Micheal's.
I hope you all enjoyed! I will try to take more pictures of our decor today! Thanks for visiting our colorful Christmas! =)
Merry Christmas!!!