I stumbled upon this quote in October or November 2010 & it hit me like a ton of bricks. My husband was sitting beside me and looked over at the computer, then back at me and smiled. It's so crazy how we hold on to things. Actually, it's not really crazy. It's just our human nature. We hold on to the way we think our life should go, sort of forcing it in the direction we are going. But God created us.... so of course His way is so much more amazing & peaceful! Once we surrender, we feel so much freedom.
"There is freedom in surrender!"
~Kari Jobe
~Kari Jobe
I promise, God has amazing things planned waiting on us. First, we must let go of our plans. Of course it will be scary, but amazingly abundantly worth it!! Once we surrender and we stop planning & let God guide us, we will then know what it feels like to truly live.
* Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come. *
~Jeremiah 33:3~
~Jeremiah 33:3~
Image: Mary Ruffle (I think) =)
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